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What is a redirect in JavaScript?

A redirect in JavaScript is a technique that directs search engines and people to a different URL than the original. The rerouted page may be located on the same or a different server. It might also take place on the same or separate websites. We are occasionally redirected to another URL when we click on a URL.

What is the difference between HTTP 301 and JavaScript redirects?

For example, an HTTP 301 redirection indicates that the page in question was moved permanently to a new location. By contrast, JavaScript redirects are client side, meaning that they tell the browser to retrieve content from a different location. You might want to use a client side redirect like JavaScript if:

How do I redirect to an HTML document instead of a website?

If you want to redirect to an HTML document instead of a website, you can use the same method by setting the link's href attribute to the path of the HTML document you want to redirect to. In this example, clicking on the link will open "example.html" in a new window or tab while the current website remains open.

What is a script> element used for?

The HTML element is used to embed executable code or data; this is typically used to embed or refer to JavaScript code. The element can also be used with other languages, such as WebGL 's GLSL shader programming language and JSON. Metadata content , Flow content , Phrasing content . Dynamic script such as text/javascript.

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